Monday, June 9, 2008

On the BLOGwagon...

Okay, okay...I've finally given into the world of blogging. I've resisted thus far because 1) nothing interesting happens to me, let alone interesting enough to blog about and have people read it, 2) I've always thought it a bit presumptuous to write about your life and thoughts as if EVERYONE is hanging on your every word, and 3) seriously, who has the time? However, I do have a little kiddo now, and maybe some (namely, my mother) people will be hanging on my every word about him. I am offering my apologies now for the rough brother is the one in the family with the talent in that area.

A bit about the title...many of you know that Will is on a infant apena monitor because the little bugger forgets to breathe every now and then. We do get to "unplug" him a couple of time a day and get to carry him around like a normal baby. We'll use this blog to share his first years with everyone.


Lisa said...

Yay! I'm so glad you have a blog now. I know what you mean about not having a lot of write about personally but when you have kids you manage to find something to write about!

Kristin said...

Love it! :) I look forward to checking it so I can stay up to date on my favorite little nephew. :) Hey, how much does he weigh now? I'm certain he's bigger than Ella.
I have a blog too...but I don't know why. I don't have anything interesting to say.

marnmic said...

YEA! A great way to hear about Will. I love the way his face fills up the screen when your blog comes up. He's adorable!!! one's life is boring. I would have enjoyed your blog if you had one before Will. :-)

Mrs. said...

welcome to blog-land!

I look forward to reading about your life with Will!

sarahpfeiffer said...

Great! Another blog to be addicted to! At least he's cute! Can't wait for updates and new pics of the little guy!