Thursday, January 29, 2009

For the Love of Stuffed Monkey Violence

My boy has a weird sense of humor. Apparently throwing a stuffed monkey against the wall is the funniest thing on earth...see video below. I apologize in advance for the screeching baby talk coming from his mom.

Will wore a cute flannel shirt that his Aunt Lisa picked out the other day. It went perfectly with his cowboy hat, so I had to snap a few pictures.
His "Go Ahead Make My Day" face..

Also...does anybody have advice on how to stop Will pitching fits when we try to dress him or diaper him? He locks up his body and arches his back so we can't get him to lay down, let alone sit and then he just screams and rolls over. Its a fully body workout to get him dressed in the morning...and all I am thinking is "he's only 9 months old...its supposed to start this early???!!! Man, we are in for a wild ride with this one."

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Making Amends

Click on the photo so you can read the note. So sweet.

He is trying hard to start crawling...he can get on all fours and start rocking, but he has yet to get anywhere.

Here's his fake cry face...he's also been randomly throwing this face out whenever the fancy strikes him.

On a side note...putting our political differences aside, I think we can all agree this is a remarkable day in American history. Being raised in my generation as a white, middle class, and yes, even a woman, I cannot even pretend to empathize with the struggle for equality. If I find this day exciting, I cannot imagine what this day signifies for so many people. While the media love-fest is a little nauseating at is a happy day!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Nine Months and a New Year.

Finally...I made it to a computer and have time to post. Will was 9 months on the are his most current stats:

WEIGHT: 20 lbs 5 oz (50th percentile)
HEIGHT: 29 1/5 incheS(85th percentile)
> stealth rolling like he's part of a covert op - the boy has no interest in crawling, why should he when he can get everywhere by rolling?
> zen sitting
> fake crying - so much drama...I wonder where he gets that from?!
> sharing his pacifier with me (he just did this today and thought it was hilarious)

Christmas was great...we cannot wait for him to get more into it. I know that 2008 was a difficult year in many ways...but we were so blessed with a healthy boy in 2008, despite his early debut. Not only us, but 19 of our friends, family, and neighbors were also blessed with babies. Welcome - in order of appearance - Palmer, Lily, Katie, Reagan, Rory, Nigel, Ella, Harley, Pheobe, Marley, Jeremiah, Myah, Ben, Alexander, Katelyn, Lane, CJ, Emme, and the latest little one last Thursday (okay - not in 2008 - but close enough) Aidan. Here's our TOP TEN best things about 2008:

10. March
9. April
8. May
7. June
6. July (cute even when crying!)
5. August
4. September
3. October
2. November
and #1 reason 2008 was the best for us: our gift that keeps on giving
And 2009 looks like its shaping up to be a pretty good one too (caught in the act!)