Monday, September 29, 2008

Just a quick update...

I am short on time and haven't downloaded the most recent pictures from our camera - but I have been requested to put pictures of Bubs McChub on the blog. These are from Labor Day weekend. He will be 6 months old on Saturday - how did that happen?! His favorite things these days (and I'll post more recent pictures soon!): standing - with help, blowing fierce raspberries when he frustrated or bored, trying to get his feet in his mouth, and chewing on my fingers.

I finished my last Architectural Registration Exam last its just waiting to get the results and getting the last of my required hours submitted (I haven't reported since Feb 2007 - just a bit of a procrastinator) then I'll be done.


Kristin said...

Good job on finishing your exams! :) I just love that little man, he has gotten SO big!

g-mare said...

We're here waiting on the pictures. How did he do eating tonight. Love, G-Ma

g-mare said...

notice the comment from the old gray mare she ain't what she use to be. love debbie